In 2023, as the war between Russia and Ukraine threatened to extend indefinitely, the world was surprised by Hamas’ terrorist military incursion against Israel, unleashing a conflict in Gaza whose ramifications today extend to the Red Sea, compromising international maritime traffic. The positive international news was the relative stabilisation of relations between the United States […]

Five years ago, when we began conducting the first, one-of-a-kind Survey of Perceptions on Foreign Policy and National Security along with the pollster Ipsos, the data showed that Chileans’ main concern was drug trafficking and organised crime, followed by the porosity of borders and the increase in irregular immigration. Today that seems obvious; there is […]

Our fourth Foreign Policy and National Security survey, carried out jointly with Ipsos, confirms Chileans’ concern about drug trafficking and irregular immigration, two transnational phenomena that exploit the porosity of Chile’s extensive borders, and fuel the country’s current security crisis. Several of these problems, which today seem to have exploded simultaneously, had been addressed early […]

The State of Chile is currently facing a volatile, uncertain and ambiguous international scenario, marked by competition between great powers, and in which new threats and risks emerge at an increasingly frequent pace. Faced with unpredictable contexts, a State that does not have an adequate security architecture will face these problems without the required strategic […]

Since we began this survey three years ago, a pandemic has swept the world, a new political cycle has begun in Chile after social upheaval, and Russia has launched a war against Ukraine, the global repercussions of which are in full swing. Deep down, all of the above speaks to us of disruptions that are […]

Thesis guided by AthenaLab to Georgetown students.May 24, 2022

AthenaLab released the results of the Second Survey of Perceptions on Foreign Policy and National Security, which seeks to compare the results of the previous year with perceptions in terms of security and defense, specifically regarding the main threats observed today, the role that Chile should play in the world and its relationship with other […]

● Antarctica is currently governed by the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS), which has been effective since 1961 and comprises the Antarctic Treaty (signed in 1959) and a series of related agreements. In total, there are 12 signatories to the ATS and 54 parties to it. ● Of the ATS’ signatories, seven – Argentina, Australia, Chile, […]

The events experienced in recent months, both nationally and globally, have broadly demonstrat- ed that we are currently facing a volatile, uncer- tain, complex and ambiguous reality. Sometimes, it seems as if we have not made it out of one crisis before entering another; from the social upris- ing to the global pandemic, followed by […]

Executive summary The mega-fire that broke out in December 2019 in Australia seems to be a tragic example of what can happen if climate change accelerates with devastating consequences. Even countries with an immense state capacity and vast resources can be overwhelmed when facing emergencies of great magnitude, providing a postcard of a future that […]